1983 Ziploc : Superman III Stickers

1983 Ziploc : Superman III Stickers

Ziploc distributed a series 10 sticker panels that feature promotional images from Superman III. One 3-panel sticker was included inside of specially marked packages of Ziploc Sandwich Bags from Dow. The box artwork is based on a 1982 DC Comics Style Guide image of Superman by José Luis García-López and Dick Giordano. Superman III was released in the United States on June 17, 1983. The film stars Christopher Reeve and Richard Pryor, but Pryor is not included in the sticker series.

Each complete sticker measures approximately 2.625 x 6 inches and is copyrighted by DC Comics Inc. 1982. Individual sticker panels measure approximately 1.5 inches square. Some panels are repeated on multiple stickers. Identical promotional images were used in the Superman III trading card set released by Topps in 1983. The film title logo and shield emblem were illustrated by Bob Peak. The Superman III logo is based on a 1940 design by Ira Schnapp.

1983 Ziploc : Superman III Stickers

Topps Chewing Gum released a series of trading cards and stickers for Superman III. Superman III Action Replay Game cards were released by Nabisco in the UK. Parker Brothers produced a separate card game and boardgame that feature scenes from Superman III illustrated by Neal Adams.

Ziploc released a similar sticker series for Gremlins in 1984.

1982 Ziploc : Superman III Stickers
Clark Kent / Superman Superman Superman
Clark Kent / Superman Superman Superman III title
Clark Kent / Superman Superman III title Superman
Lana Lang Superman emblem Clark Kent
Lorelei Ambrosia Superman Lana Lang
Superman Lorelei Ambrosia Superman
Superman Superman III title Superman
Superman Superman III title Superman emblem
Superman Superman emblem Ross Webster
Superman Superman emblem Ross Webster